The fire in a chicken coop under control after the night’s work in Fliseryd

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During the night, the rescue service guarded the boundary lines at adjacent stable buildings and the power station. With the help of an excavator, the hearth could be accessed. After that, material that had fallen into the chicken coop could be dug away so that the rescue service could extinguish the fires that were under. They have also had a suction truck to suck out insulation and embers around the switchgear and now on Saturday morning the forces were able to leave the site.

– This morning, at 08:00, all forces have left the scene and return to the station. They hand over to the owner who will take care of follow-up with instructions from the rescue service, says Felicia Hellberg, who is an alarm operator at the Security and Alarm Center in Kalmar.

No spread to adjacent stables

According to the Security and Alarm Center in Kalmar, six municipalities were involved in the firefighting work and a total of 30 rescue units were on site. They managed to prevent the spread and only the middle hen house burned.

– The building is 100 times 40 meters and it burned to the ground, says Felicia Hellberg.

The problem with getting water for the extinguishing work was that the fire-resistant network around the site could not cope with the pressure required by the alarm and security center.

– The rescue service had to fetch water from Emån and then the stable was water-bombed with helicopters, says Felicia Hellberg.

86,000 hens have died

According to the police, about 100,000 chickens died in connection with the fire. But on Saturday morning, the Security and Alarm Center in Kalmar was able to establish that a total of 86,00 hens had died.

The police have drawn up a report of dangerous spring fever.
