The Finns have plenty of work to do in field riding | Sports in a nutshell

The Finns have plenty of work to do in field

of Great Britain Laura Collett with his horse London 52 leads the field riding after the school riding test. Collett received 17.50 fault points, while second place Germany Michael Jung (Chipmunk Frh) received 17.80 fault points and was third Huan Tian Alex (Jilsonne Van Bareelhof) got 22.00.

The Finns have enough to worry about, because Sanna Siltakorpi (Bofey Click) was 43rd with 35.40 error points. Veera Manninen (Sir Greg) scored 36.80 fault points and is ranked 50th.

According to Siltakorven, Bofey Click was “going too hard” in the arena, because it got nervous from the large number of people and applause. Siltakorpi tried to influence his horse by being calm himself and giving clear help. However, the horse either overreacted or ignored the help.

– I would have liked a little less minus points, but hopefully tomorrow we will be caught.

A little tension was also noticeable in Manninen’s Sir Greg. According to Manninen, that’s why he didn’t have time to get excited himself, even though he’s competing in the first adult competition of his career and is the youngest participant in the field riding competition. The competition held in front of the Palace of Versailles was a great experience for him.

– The arena is really great, and you could spend more time there, Manninen said.

On Sunday, there is a cross-country test in the field riding program.

Simo Leinonen interviewed.
