The Finnish ice dance couple’s EC medal left the legends of the sport speechless – Susanna Rahkamo saw how jokes were still scarce in the fall because of the army

The Finnish ice dance couples EC medal left the legends

Before Juul Turkkila and Matthias Versluis, Finland’s previous ice dance medal was won by Susanna Rahkamo and Petri Kokko 28 years ago. Rahkamo does not think that it will take so long for the next ice dance medals.

Susanna Rahkamo if who knows how among those who achieved a European Championship medal Juulia from Turkey and Matthias from Versluis feel He won Petri Kokon with four prestigious medals in the 1990s. In 1995, they won the European Championship and World Cup silver.

It took 28 years until Finnish skaters celebrated the prestigious ice dance medal again.

– Totally unbelievable. This has been awaited and built for years, Rahkamo tells Urheilu.

Rahkamo had enough credit for Turkkila and Versluis.

– Knew that it (the medal) was possible. However, you never know how the nerves will play out. In that sense, it was an emotional evening.

Legends of figure skating Kiira Korpi and Laura Lepistö talked about their wet eyelids in ‘s studio. Both were rendered speechless by the medal.

– So somehow words are not enough. So awesome. Fantastic! The raven rejoiced.

In the middle of the emotional storm, Lepistö reminded us of the bigger picture.

– This is such a big deal for Finnish figure skating, ice dancing and actually all forms of competition. This will be such a big boost for the whole sport, Lepistö said.

Turkkila and Versluis received a congratulatory hug from last year’s European champion in the locker room corridor. Rahkamo also awarded them bronze medals.

Rahkamo, who follows figure skating closely, says that the Finnish duo interpreted their program very well. According to Rahkamo, already Friday’s rhythmic dance was in a completely different category than earlier this season.

– I haven’t seen it this good during this season. On the other hand, that’s how it should be. Now it worked out really well.

The future looks promising

Turkkila and Versluis are experienced skaters. They started as single skaters, but injuries made the journey difficult. In the end, they ended up doing ice dancing.

– There have been all kinds of adversity along the way. It’s great that they managed to overcome them, says Rahkamo.

– Going into this season wasn’t easy either. Matthias was in the army, which somewhat messed up the rhythm and making the programs. At the beginning of autumn, there was a bit of a lack of jokes. But yes, they looked quite ready, Rahkamo refers to the European Championships.

Rahkamo is relieved that the 28-year streak without a medal is finally over.

– Yes, it was about time. I hope it won’t take so long for the next medals. I hope that Juulia and Matthias will establish themselves during this Olympics.

According to Rahkamo, the future looks good behind Turkkila and Versluis. He brings up Juho Pirinen and Yuka Oriharan the names.

– Yuka and Juho will be EC representatives next year. They are a strong couple too. Buns are better in the oven than in our time, Rahkamo laughs.
