The Finnish government continues to gain confidence

The Finnish government continues to gain confidence

Updated 13:02 | Posted 12:39 p.m

full screenFinland’s government led by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo upon taking office in June. Photo: Jussi Nukari/Lehtikuva Via AP/TT

A total of three votes of confidence were on the agenda for the Finnish members of the Riksdag during Friday.

In the polls, both the country’s government and two ministers received continued confidence.

Minister of Finance, also chairman of the nationalist True Finns (Sannf) Riikka Purra (Sannf), as her party colleague, Minister of Industry Wille Rydman (Sannf) is trusted.

It also gets the country’s government as a whole after the three votes of confidence in the Riksdag on Friday, writes EPN

The three motions of no confidence had been submitted by the opposition parties in protest against the package of measures against racism that was presented last week by the country’s government – and which was considered insufficient by the opposition, writes Hbl.

In recent months, there has been quite a storm around the Finnish government, led by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo from the Samlingspartiet (Saml). Above all, previous statements of a racist nature by ministers from the True Finns have attracted a lot of attention.

Among other things, 15-year-old racist texts on a blog by Riika Purra have appeared in the public domain.

Wille Rydman has also made grossly racist statements in previous posts on social media and in private messages.
