The Finals Christmas patch is here and brings with it a bunch of balancing changes. In addition, the Christmas event has started and Monaco is drowning in snow.
What balancing changes are there? The list of balancing changes is long, but it mainly affected the Heavy.
The class has a lot of health and shields allow heavy fighters to survive for a long time in battles. Especially if you played a combination with two healers and a tank, the cashout could easily be stolen. However, we have presented a build that is even stronger than the Heavy and is hardly affected by the nerfs.
The Heavy class changes include:
In addition, the C4 was nerfed, which also lost damage. The explosion radius has also been reduced here. Most recently, it was part of the meta to play the heavy with C4s, attaching them to fire barrels and explosive gas bottles and throwing them at opponents.
The combination of fire barrel/gas bottle and C4 was incredibly strong and therefore annoying for many players, because the damage caused could even eliminate an enemy Heavy on the spot.
Other classes are also affected by nerfs
What changes for the other classes? The other classes are also affected, although not as badly as the Heavy. The light class, for example, also suffers from the C4 nerf, but receives a buff for the stun gun.
Another important change concerns the mines. They all now have an activation time that ensures that they are only armed a short time after they have been placed. On top of that, the damage of the normal mine has been slightly reduced.
In general, the changes primarily address the defense meta. Until now, this often consisted of using as many barrels, mines and grenades as possible to prevent the cashout from being taken, but without actually taking part in fights.
The changes will make it a little easier for teams to attack. If you still need tips to get better at The Finals, here are 10 tips that we wish we had known before our first round.
You can see the trailer for the winter event here:
The Finals Winter Event Happy Holidays 2023 Video
More videos
A new event at The Finals: Happy Holidays 2023
What does the new event bring? The new event brings us a map update for “The Finals” map Monaco. The map was covered with snow by the developers. We can also find some snowmen.
New skins for weapons, grenades and outfits are also now available in the game in a winter style.
How much do the new skins cost? Some of the new skins can be picked up free of charge until January 3rd. The Tactical Message of Joy set is available free to everyone. The set includes a Santa hat, a Christmas stocking as a weapon talisman pendant, a grenade skin that looks like a Christmas ball and weapon stickers.
The second new set is called “Holiday Spirit” and dresses you as elves with a Christmas sweater with a reindeer print, antler headgear, elf boots, candy cane blush and sleigh shorts that look like wrapping paper. The set costs 1000 Multibucks, so around 10 euros.
In addition to the balance changes, there was an update to the anti-cheats system: You can read more about the cheaters and the problems that The Finals developer, Embark, had to combat them here.