The final state was reflected on the satellite camera! Lake Sava completely dried up

The final state was reflected on the satellite camera Lake

Within the scope of the European Union Earth Observation Program Copernicus, old and new photos of Lake Sava in Iraq, taken by the satellite watching the world from space, were shared.

The first photograph of Lake Sava (Al Sawa) from space was taken by the Sentinel 2 satellite on April 19, 2017. The second photo of Sava, seen in deep blue from space in the first photo, was taken on April 18, 2022. The final state of the Sava Lake, which has completely dried up due to the extreme drought in the last two years in Iraq, was reflected on the satellite camera.


The rising temperatures in recent years and the sharp drop in the water levels of the Tigris and Euphrates have caused extreme droughts across the country. According to a spokesperson for the Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources, Lake Sava in the southern province of Muthanna has completely dried up for the first time in Iraq’s history.

