After an unprecedented manhunt, the police follow the trail of the two killers of Charlie Hebdo. The Kouachi brothers are in Seine-et-Marne, holed up in a printing works in the town of Dammartin-en-Goële.
1 minute
January 9, 2015, 8:35 a.m. After a chase with the gendarmerie, the Kouachi brothers took refuge in a printing house in Dammartin-en-Goële, in Seine-et-Marne. The building will become the scene of a final confrontation. Inside, the manager, Michel Catalano, is accompanied by an employee. Seeing the two armed men approaching, he urges his collaborator to hide. Under a sink, it will never be spotted by attackers. The boss offers the Kouachi brothers a coffee. The terrorists accept, then demand that he call the police. Both men want to end it here, today.
Drawing :January 8, 2015: the hunt for the Kouachi brothers, Charlie’s killers
A patrol arrives quickly. The exchange of fire seriously injured Saïd Kouachi in the throat. He collapses, but the gendarme who shot him decides to spare him, fearing a brutal reaction from his brother towards the hostages. Michel Catalano, trained in first aid, offers to treat the injured man. The manager will be released two hours later.
Shortly before 5:00 p.m., the GIGN is ready. The assault is being prepared. But the Kouachi brothers take the lead. They exit the building, weapons in hand, and open fire on the gendarmes. The response was immediate and devastating. In less than a minute, the two terrorists were killed. The two brothers’ bloody escapade ends, putting an end to three days of terror.
Drawing :Charlie Hebdo, January 7, 2015: the day of the killing