the film received the same rating as Shazam 2 during the projo-tests

the film received the same rating as Shazam 2 during

The sudden cancellation of the Batgirl movie stunned many, both the general public and the movie world. A radical decision on the part of Warner Bros. Discovery, which wants to reboot the DC Universe by devoting high-quality, high-production films to it. If David Zaslav (the CEO of Warner Bros Discovery) was very clear in his remarks, he did not however wish to spread out on the subject Batgirl, preferring to speak about the future of DC in a positive way. However, according to some rumors, this cancellation would have been taken following the so-called “catastrophic” returns of the test screenings. However, according to the indiscretions of The Hollywood Reporter, Batgirl would have finished with a note of 60%. It’s certainly not a dythirambic note, but for comparison, still at DC Comics, Shazam 2 received the same note during the projo-tests.

Of course, there is something to feel betrayed on the artists’ side to see a film with a budget of 90 million dollars being thrown in the trash while other “artistically equivalent” productions will have the support of Warner Bros. Discovery. According to The Hollywood Reporter, this decision would be up to David Zaslav who would not have consulted Walter Hamada, the President of DC Films, who almost resigned following this story. The latter would not have appreciated learning the news from the media and not having been consulted about it. Proof that David Zaslav clearly wants to clean up the DC Universe and give it a real direction. Kevin Feige way at Marvel Studios as he mentioned. The latter has also supported the directors of the film Batgirl, Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, who worked on Miss Marvel as well.

David Zaslav, CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery

Walter Hamada, President of DC Films

Cinema and Video Games
