The year 2023 has been complicated for the French wallet with the rise in food prices. But it also affected products good for health which had been relatively spared in 2022, lamented Tuesday January 23, the Familles Rurales consumer association, which publishes each year an observatory of the prices of everyday consumer goods.
Over the past year, food inflation reached 11.9% compared to 2022 which already recorded a record increase, notes the association in a press release. But unlike 2022, “many products healthy for our health are even more affected by the average increase: + 40.6% for carrots, + 24.8% for mackerel, + 23.2% for half-milk skimmed, + 21% for olive oil or + 20.4% for rice.
Result: for a balanced diet that respects the official recommendations of the National Nutrition and Health Plan (PNNS, 5 fruits and vegetables per day, whole grain products every day, etc.), a family of 2 adults and 2 children must spend between 539 euros each month , for a basic basket with less varied products, and 1,297 euros, for a basket with organic products, according to the study.
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Baskets compliant with the PNNS increased by more than 10%
In 2023, “our baskets compliant with the PNNS increased by more than 10%, whether they consist of the lowest prices, national brands or organic products,” notes the study. For this observatory, the association carried out price measurements on 83 everyday consumer products in February, April, June and October 2023 in 153 stores spread over 41 departments.
“All the foods in our basket have increased, but three items have experienced particularly marked inflation, above 18% in 2023: sweet products, fats and especially dairy products,” details the observatory.
The association also points out the difficult situation in Overseas France where with “much lower incomes”, inflation is “just as marked as in France”, with “products that cost up to twice as expensive.
“In France, 10.8 million people, or 16% of our population, do not have the means to eat as they should to be in good health”, deplores the association which is calling on the public authorities for a “food plan “, including “a monthly food allowance, targeting only products good for our health” reserved for people living below the poverty line.
The association also calls for “transparency of margins and moderation of those that are clearly excessive so as not to compromise consumers’ access to products that are healthy for their health.”