the fighting troops and their equipment were conspicuous by their absence

the fighting troops and their equipment were conspicuous by their

Battle, assault or transport tanks, artillery and rocket launchers or other special equipment were not seen at the Victory Day parade held in Moscow.

No experienced soldiers were seen at the Victory Day military parade organized at Red Square today.

The parade sections marching on foot consisted practically only of cadets and graduate students of military educational institutions gathered from the Moscow region and different parts of Russia.

As usual, the departments of the National Guard, the Border Guard Service and the educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were also involved.

The divisions of the troops brought from further away in Moscow, which are usually circulated in the parade, were not seen at Red Square this year at all.

The motor march started the T-34 main battle tank that already served in World War II. It alone was allowed to represent the heavy armored vehicles and the most striking group of the ground forces, the 1st Panzer Army, which suffered heavy losses in Ukraine.

Modern tanks were not seen in the parade.

Other troops that participated in the motor march were the 16th Special Forces Brigade in Tambov, whose detachment moved with twenty Tigr and Kamaz armored vehicles.

Šujan from the Ivanovo region The department of the 112th Missile Brigade from the city presented Iskander-M missile carriages, which were also used a lot in Ukraine. Hard missiles were hardly seen on the market, and it is also possible that the brigade’s missile reserves have already been used up in Ukraine.

The third department represented on 7.5. introduced the 584th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, which is part of the Moscow Air Defense Forces, and is equipped with long-range S-400 missiles.

As the last group Teikovo’s 54th Missile Division unit arrived at the Red Square with its vehicle-launched ballistic RS-24 “Jars” nuclear missiles. presented the activities of the strategic missile forces in a report published in February.

The equipment parade ended with a line-up of Bumerang combat vehicles carrying the flags of the three defense branches. Bumerang represents the ground forces’ latest combat equipment and its series production was planned to start this year.

Even last year The combat equipment that was widely presented in the Moscow parade – battle, assault and transport tanks, artillery and rocket launchers or other special equipment was not seen on the Red Square now.

The armored cars of the special forces brigade were practically the only equipment that could be used in Ukraine.

The missiles of the Iskander brigade have already been fired once, the presented anti-aircraft missiles protect Moscow, and the intercontinental missiles, unusable in traditional warfare, await the third world war.

This year, the air parade with airplanes and helicopters was completely canceled. Now the weather wouldn’t have been an obstacle either. Was the Kremlin afraid of shoulder-fired missiles brought to the area?

The author of the story Marko Eklund is ‘s journalist specializing in Russia, who has done research on the mass structure of the armed forces. Eklund has previously worked in the defense forces and worked, among other things, as deputy defense agent at the Finnish embassy in Moscow in 2018-2021.
