The fight against the tiger mosquito in France

The fight against the tiger mosquito in France

Originally from Southeast Asia, the mosquito has colonized a large part of the world, in particular through the trade in used tires. It landed in the south of France in the 2000s, and has since been gaining ground. The insect is under surveillance in the country, because it is capable of transmitting viruses such as dengue fever, if a traveler returns infected from a stay in an endemic zone. Last year 65 people were thus contaminated on the territory, unheard of in mainland France. In addition to this risk, there is the nuisance of bites, so near Montpellier in the Hérault, an experiment to limit the proliferation of the tiger mosquito is underway.

The tiger mosquito is the vector of viruses such as chikungunya, zika or dengue fever.
