The female wolf from the Siggefora area has disappeared: “A certain frustration”

This year’s wolf inventory was completed at the end of March, but it did not go completely flawlessly: When the Siggefora territory was inspected, it was discovered that a female wolf had disappeared.

The territory consists of a family group with puppies. In the tracking, the male and the puppies have been found, but the female has disappeared for an unknown reason. This is what Anders Johannesson, who is responsible for the inventory of large carnivores at the county administrative board in Uppsala County, tells us.

– You probably have to accept that things can happen, and we are not looking for her specifically – but we work with the cameras we have during the summer, says Anders Johannesson.

It is not common for territory-marked animals to disappear in this way.

Hear about the possible causes in the video above.
