The fee is increased for those who want to start an independent school

The fee is increased for those who want to start

Published: Less than 2 hours ago

full screen The School Inspectorate’s work in reviewing independent school applications has cost more than what the fee has provided. Archive image. Photo: Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT

From the turn of the year, the School Inspectorate may charge a higher fee to those who apply to start an independent school. Today’s fees do not cover the costs and the government has therefore decided on an increase.

The fees are increased from SEK 35,000 to SEK 75,000 for new applications and from SEK 25,000 to SEK 65,000 for applications to expand the activities of a free school.

All actors who plan to start independent schools must first be tested by the School Inspectorate. Finances, student background and the suitability of the management are things that are checked. The authority has pointed out that the processing has become more resource-intensive than was first estimated.

Last year, the School Inspectorate received 200 applications to start or expand independent schools.
