The feared increase in the price of fuel is triggered in Cameroon

The feared increase in the price of fuel is triggered

Fuel prices at the pump in Cameroon have increased by 100 CFA francs for gasoline and 145 francs for diesel since February 1, 2023. An increase of more than 15% which does not help transporters.

With our correspondent in Yaoundé, Richard Onanena

After three shortages in six months in the country’s major cities, the specter of rising fuel prices loomed large. Since February 1, gasoline has gone from 630 to 730 CFA francs, diesel, which until then cost 545 CFA francs, has gone to 720 CFA francs.

I don’t think we decide on the price of a product that particularly affects the financially poorest households without preparing public opinion. What I doubt, however, is that the shortages that have been observed before were a form of public preparation », Considers Idriss Linge, editor-in-chief at the Ecofin agency, which deals with economic and financial issues.

Rising fuel prices are making people cringe. The first victims are urban transporters. Jack Nguessu is a taxi driver in the city of Yaoundé, for him it is part of the profit that is lost:

I actually consume between 20 and 25 liters every day. Since the fuel went up, I’m noticeably at 3 000 francs more. It’s like in a day someone has to win 6 000, but must take 3 000 francs more for fuel. »

Experts believe that Cameroon gave in to pressure from the IMF, which asked to reduce subsidies for petroleum products, to promote productive investments. On the other hand, the price of kerosene remains at 350 CFA francs. Ditto for domestic gas which retains its price of 6,500 CFA francs.

For the Prime Minister, it is, continued “ to the very high instructions of the Head of State “, Paul Biya, of “ preserve budgetary balances in the face of soaring prices of petroleum products on the international market “.

These increases, which come in the wake of the IMF assessment mission, which came to Yaoundé in January, come on top for Cameroonians of a general rise in prices for months and the increase in several taxes planned in the new finance law, voted in early December 2022. As “ accompanying measures “, the government announces” an increase in the salaries of public officials of 5.2% ” And ” propose ” a “ revaluation of the SMIG [salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti] by increasing it from 36,270 CFA francs per month (55.45 euros) to 41,875 CFA francs (64 euros). An insult to the workers according to the trade unionist Jean-Marc Bikoko, president of the Central Trade Union of the public sector, focal point of the Cameroon Workers Forum (Cawof) The Cawof invites the workers to observe a work stoppage every Monday from February 15th.

Jean-Marc Bikoko, President of the Public Sector Trade Union Federation

On the side of the Ministry of Labour, the first meeting of the National Labor Advisory Commission on wages is convened for February 8.

►Also listen: Calls on News – [Vos réactions] Africa: facing rising fuel prices
