The father stole the people’s money, and now the son promises to return the “golden age” – such is Bongbong Marcos, who will become President of the Philippines

The father stole the peoples money and now the son

Bongbong Marcos has managed to rewrite the history of his country and his family because half of those eligible to vote are so young that they do not remember the time of the dictatorship.

The old family of power seems to be in charge of the Philippines again soon. Former dictator Ferdinand Marcosin son Ferdinand Marcos junior is winning today’s presidential election.

Nicknamed Bongbong Marcos, a well-known 64-year-old boy, drew a clear distinction from his worst rival at the beginning of the vote Leni Robredoon. With the vote still underway, Marcos is expected to get up to twice as many votes as Robredo.

There are ten candidates in total. In the Philippines, there is only one round of the presidential election.

Marcos’s vice presidential candidate is Sara Duterte-Carpioa seated president known for his hard – fought drug war and special statements Rodrigo Duterten daughter.

The people overthrew Father Marcos in the 1980s

Bongbong Marcos is running for president 36 years after his father Ferdinand was ousted. Father Marcos kept the Philippines in a tight grip from 1965 onwards. He rose to power in the election, but later retained power through a martial law.

Tens of thousands of people were imprisoned during the Philippine dictatorship, according to the human rights organization Amnesty International. There were about 35,000 victims of torture. More than 3,200 people were killed.

Thousands of victims have since been compensated, yet Marcos supporters deny any persecution has taken place.

Marcos finally collapsed in 1986 after the people rose to resistance. Extensive demonstrations were fueled by Marcos ’attempt to falsify the election result, as well as saturation of the Marcos family’s abuses and luxurious life.

The family had stolen state funds of up to ten billion euros and Marcos became a symbol of waste Imeldawife’s shoes. 3,000 pairs of shoes were found in Imelda’s closets. Only about a third of the embezzled funds have been recovered.

The history of the Philippines was rewritten

However, the abuses of the Marcos family are already a distant history for a large portion of Filipinos. As many as half of those eligible to vote are so young that they have no personal memories of the dictatorship.

This has given Bongbong Marcos and his supporters a chance to rewrite the country’s history. The Marcos camp has, of course, denied any wrongdoing.

Utilizing Tiktok and Youtube, among others, Bongbong has been able to present his father’s reign as a “golden age.” Proponents say the allegations of rumors over the past decades are lies spread by competitors.

In Marcos ’era, crime is remembered to be under control and the pace of land construction. These “good old days” promise optimism and unity in his campaign, the son-Marcos now restores.

Election promises include lowering prices and creating jobs. His father, Bongbong Marcos, has been called a political genius.

Father Marcos died in exile in Hawaii in 1989, but his 92-year-old mother, Imelda, is still a family matriarch. After the death of Ferdinand Marcos, the widow and children returned to the Philippines and the family has been actively involved in politics.
