The father after the death in Söderhamn: “Remembers nothing”

The father after the death in Soderhamn Remembers nothing
The father to SVT: “Remember nothing”

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A family sought care after suffering from a stomach bug.

The daughter of the family, a four-year-old girl, died.

– I really want to thank everyone who has contacted us and is thinking about us. All prayers and all comfort, says the father in the family to SVT.

After falling ill with stomach symptoms, a family from Söderhamn sought care.

The daughter of the family, a four-year-old girl, died.

The three other family members were moved to hospitals in Stockholm and Uppsala.

The mother of the family is still being treated in hospital. SVT has met her husband at the hospital.

He was treated himself in Uppsala for several days.

– I don’t remember anything from those days. I was only thinking about my family, he says to SVT.

full screen Technicians and bomb protection in Söderhamn last week. Photo: Pernilla Wahlman

“Eating pizza”

The police have carried out a large number of tests, but still do not know what caused the mysterious illness.

Nor does the father in the family have an answer.

– We ate pizza when I picked up the children after preschool on Friday. But the son doesn’t like pizza so he ate a sandwich. Later, the children ate sausages and we had pasta, he says.

The family had just moved to a new area in Söderhamn.

Several neighbors witnessed how the ambulance drove up to the family’s residence. Residents in the area began to wonder what had happened.

– People speculate about poisons and all kinds of things after they went through the apartment. But it is completely renovated, there should not be any poisons there, said a neighbor to Aftonbladet.

fullscreen Even the Poisons Information Center and the Forensic Medicine Agency have been connected to the mysterious death. Photo: Pernilla Wahlman

Had to leave Iva

Another neighbor, Jamal Haj Mousa, described the family as “very nice and social”.

– My wife works at the preschool where the girl who died went, he told Aftonbladet last week.

The apartment in the residential area is still cordoned off.

full screen The father to SVT: “I don’t remember anything from those days” Photo: Pernilla Wahlman

In the search for what could be behind the illness, the police have enlisted the help of several organizations.

The Poisons Information Center and the Forensic Medicines Agency have been involved, but despite, among other things, food residues being compared against 200 substances, no hits have been found and the Public Health Agency has been involved in the matter, according to Aftonbladet’s information. According to the prosecutor, even more test answers are expected this week.

The mother and son have just been allowed to leave the intensive care unit.
