the fate of Donbass lies with the city of Sievierodonetsk, according to Zelensky

On the 106th day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Thursday June 9, follow live the latest information on the conflict.

► Moscow has blocked the RFI website, which broadcasts information in fifteen languages ​​including Russian. An alternative URL address allows access to the site in French and in Russian. RFI in Russian is also available on Telegram: via a VPN and in Russia in French via satellite on Hotbird.

► RFI’s Russian editorial site broadcasts Ukrainian public radio (in the Ukrainian language) from home page.

The main points:

► Ukrainian soldiers deliver to Sievierodonetsk one of the ” toughest battles » since the beginning of the war to resist the Russian forces which now control a large part of this strategic city in the East where, according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, “the fate” of the Donbass region is at stake.

► Russia said it was “ready” to guarantee the grain vessel safety leaving Ukrainian ports, with the cooperation of Turkey, assured his Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday who was meeting his Turkish counterpart in Ankara. But the meeting did not lead to the establishment of secure maritime corridors allowing the export of cereals through the Black Sea.

► Over 1,000 Ukrainian soldierswho had been captured in Mariupol, have been transferred to Russia where they will be investigated, according to the Russian agency TASS.

► The world economy is sinking a little more with the war in Ukraine and risks sinking even lower, warns the OECD in its latest forecasts, which rely on a sharp decline in global growth and a spike in inflation this year.

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06:30 am: The fate of Donbass rests with the city of Sievierodonetsk, according to Zelensky

Ukrainian soldiers deliver to Sievierodonetsk one of the ” toughest battles ” since the beginning of the war to resist the Russian forces which now control a large part of this strategic city in the East where, according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, is played ” fate from the Donbass region. ” We defend our positions, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. It’s a very hard, very difficult battle, probably one of the most difficult of this war. “said the Ukrainian president in a video released Wednesday evening.

For Russia, getting hold of this city would be decisive in order to conquer the entire vast coal basin of Donbass, already partly held by pro-Russian separatists since 2014. “ In many ways, the fate of our Donbass is decided there “, estimated Mr. Zelensky.

06h20: Hello and welcome to this live

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