the fate of around thirty women kidnapped in the North West worries NGOs

the fate of around thirty women kidnapped in the North

Civil society is concerned about the fate of around thirty women kidnapped on Saturday in the village of Kedjom Keku, in the North West region. On Tuesday, the prefecture of the department of Mézam published a press release to confirm their kidnapping. These women were abducted the day after a march they had organized to protest against taxes imposed by armed groups

Thirty women were severely tortured and abducted by armed terrorists ” writes the press release from the prefecture. These “ older women “had organized the day before” a peaceful march to protest against the abuses and criminal activities of terrorists “continues the prefecture.

The CHRDA, the Center for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa, an NGO based in Yaoundé, confirms this march in a press release. The women had demonstrated against the exploitative activities of the Amba Boys “, an English-speaking armed group in the region, explains the CHRDA. They denounced in particular monthly taxes of 10,000 CFA francs for men and 5,000 for women “, continues the NGO.

In a video circulating on social networks, and which the CHRDA quotes, we can see armed men threatening to kill these women whom they accuse of complicity with the military. ” It’s a shame says Esther Oman of the NGO Reach Out. “ These women must not be victims of a conflict they never wanted “, she concludes.

It’s really appalling to learn that women – mothers – are abducted by the very people they consider their own children who are in armed groups. It’s a shame. Whatever their actions, these women do not deserve such treatment.

Esther Oman, from the NGO Reach Out

Moreover, still in the North West region of Cameroon, in another department, that of Momo, according to our information, an official of the CPDM, the ruling party, was kidnapped in an ambush on Sunday with five other people on the road to Bamenda as he returned from National Unity Day celebrations the day before on May 20.
