The fatal mistake you make in traffic: The detail many miss

The fatal mistake you make in traffic The detail many

For that reason recommend National Confederation M Sweden that you wear reflex.

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Makes a big difference

– Reflexes make a big difference. With good reflexes, a person can be detected at a distance of about 125 meters. A dark-clad person without reflexes is first seen at a distance of 20–30 meters. By then it may already be too late, says Heléne Lilja, head of communication and society at Riksförbundet M Sweden.

For the best effect, the reflexes should be placed far down on the legs and arms. You should always use reflectors when moving in traffic when it is dark.


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Difference between life and death

– Many people think that reflexes are not as important in communities or where there are street lights, but on the contrary, most people die in accidents at night in densely built-up areas with lighted roads. It is especially important that parents make sure that the children have reflexes. Young people are particularly at risk when they go to or from the bus, says Heléne Lilja.

As a rule, motorists must adapt their driving to poorer visibility, a consequence of darkness and rain.

In addition, you cannot rely on pedestrians really wearing reflexes, but you must always be alert, all to save lives.


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