The fascinating crabs: everything you need to know about crabs

The fascinating crabs everything you need to know about crabs

Tracked, fished, eaten, crabs are an important source of food for millions of humans. But did you know that there are 7,000 species different in the world, measuring from a few millimeters to almost four meters in wingspan? That crabs occupy environments as diverse as abysses, Coral reefs or the mountains? That they live both in sea water and in pure waterat the bottom of the caves than at the top of the trees ?

The incredible diversity of crabs

Crabs have the particularity of moving by walking sideways. Aquatics in the majority of cases, there are those who live in salt water and those who live in fresh water, others evolve on land.

In the collective imagination, the crab also holds a special place: a sign of zodiacsymbol of the Moon and regeneration, effigy of ancient coins, animal totem and legend, etc.

Set off to explore a world of unsuspected richness based on a few excerpts from the author’s book to be discovered at the end of this file.

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