The fans show their discomfort with the ownership of the club

The fans show their discomfort with the ownership of the

The property of Granada knows that the fans are not at all happy with their work at the helm of the club. It is one of the key points and this was recognized by Sophia Yang, director and visible head at this time of the owners of the club in Granada. The leader repeatedly apologized during the press conference to introduce Alfredo García Amado, the new CEO, and Nico Rodríguez, the new sports director. It has been a complicated season and the one who suffers the most is the fans.

“Apologize to fans and the city of Granada,” Yang said in what is his first public appearance since taking office. And he stressed: “The relationship between me and the property has not been close. Our strategy as a foreign entity is not our most important strength or factor. We never had the intention of distancing ourselves from the Granada community, I am going to come to Granada more and we are going to create a real and solid relationship with the community”, he explained. And he reflected: “We understand the feeling of the fans, it is normal when a team is being renewed. It is difficult for everyone and we respect freedom of expression. To the development of our relationship with the fans and the local community, it has been one of the mistakes we have made, We have not done the right thing. We are going to take immediate action and I will be available for this mission.” His acknowledgment of guilt did not prevent the demonstration prepared for Monday from being held.

Nearly a hundred fans gathered in Plaza del Carmen, in front of the City Hall, to ask for the resignation of the club’s lawyer, Javier Aranguren, of the counselor, Sophia Yang, and that the company that owns the entity DDMC, leave the city and the club. A protest organized by the main groups of fans that, perhaps, did not have all the presence of fans that was expected. The public appearance and the fact that the blame was assumed and the intention of improving the relationship with the fans was emphasized could calm the spirits of many, who were on fire as soon as the descent was consummated.

During the demonstration in which there were banners against the leaders and the company that owns the club, Paco Cuenca, mayor of the city, appeared and explained to the fans part of the meeting he had with Javier Aranguren, Alfredo García Amado and Sophia Yang last Friday and in which the property explained to the mayor the project it has for the future with Granada. Cuenca demanded a project at the level of the club and the fans after relegation and the entity wanted to respond to the mayor with a meeting that would reassure him.

Shouting ‘Granada is us’, the concentration ended without incident. From the club it is expected that the new project revives the illusion of a hobby today angry after relegation. The club’s intention is to maintain good relations with supporters clubs, subscribers and fans in general, one of the most important musts of last year and one of the factors of discomfort among Nasrid fans.
