The fans’ concern about Måns Zelmerlöw: “Why?”

The fans concern about Mans Zelmerlow Why

Måns Zelmerlöw38, has been rewritten during the summer for the turbulent relationship with his wife Ciara Jansson Zelmerlöw, 37. On the surface, everything has looked spotless for Måns and Ciara. But the reality was different. The couple, who got married in 2019 in Croatia, have a tough time behind them.

What happened between Måns and Ciara?

At the end of May could News24 reveal that Ciara unfollowed Måns on Instagram. Shortly after, she was seen without the engagement ring. After weeks of speculation, Ciara came out and said she’s “heartbroken,” something like The evening paper then reported on.

READ MORE: Ciara Janson has followed Måns Zelmerlöw: “Anyone who knows…?”

Neither Ciara nor Måns have elaborated on exactly what happened between the pair.

Måns and Ciara have two sons together – Albert who was born in 2018 and Ossian which came in 2022. Ciara also has a son from a previous relationship Archie. Both Måns and Ciara have said in interviews that the children are their highest priority right now.

Ciara Janson and Måns Zelmerlöw. Image source: Stella Pictures. Måns Zelmerlöw was going on tour with Ola Kedra

In addition to the fact that his private life is not quite at his best right now, life is getting tough for Måns, and when it comes to his career, he is busy with a tour that started on June 27 in Skellefteå.

The plan was then to play in Poland where he would do four concerts, followed by a stop in Finland and the end of the tour on September 6.

By his side in Poland, the plan was for Måns to have the 17-year-old shooting star Ola Kedra with whom he shares a record label. This summer, Måns and Ola also released a duet in the form of the song Walk with me.

Måns Zelmerlöw and Ola Kedra. Image source: Press image Ola Kedra is the shooting star who sold Platina in Poland. Image source: Instagram/olakedraMåns Zelmerlöw. Image source: Stella Pictures.

But now several fans are wondering what will happen with the concerts in Poland. On Instagram, Måns has been met with comments from worried and disappointed fans in recent days. Some comments read:

“Why did you cancel your concert in Szczecin, Poland? Me and my friends bought tickets several months ago and today we were informed that the show is canceled without giving any valid reason – we are so disappointed as we were looking forward to see you,” writes a disappointed fan.

“The show in Szczecin, Poland is cancelled… Why?”, wonders another.

“Why are all the gigs in Poland cancelled??”, comments a third.

Fans are wondering what has happened. Image source: Instagram/manszelmerlow

READ MORE: 17-year-old Ola Kedra is the shooting star at Mån’s side

The answer about Mån’s concerts in Poland: “Nothing strange at all”

A Polish ticket site says all dates in Poland are canceled and ticket sales are suspended.

All Måns Zelmerlöw’s concerts in Poland are cancelled. This is what it looks like on a Polish ticket site. “This event has been canceled and ticket sales have ended,” reads the Polish ticket site.

But when Nyheter24 reaches Måns Zelmerlöw’s press contact Helene Wigren so she has good news for the disappointed fans.

– They (the concerts, ed. note) will be moved forward. Nothing strange at all, says Helene Wigren to Nyheter24.
