The cat Rayne Beau was frightened and ran away when he, along with his family, Benny and Susanne Anguiano and his twin sister, were camping in Yellowstone National Park on the edge of the US state of Wyoming in early June, reports Sky News. Despite searching for four days, the owners were unable to find Rayne Beau and had to go home without the cat. Found 30 miles from their home In August, two months after the cat’s disappearance, the couple received a call from the company that has his chip registered to that Rayne Beau had been found and was with an organization that helps animals in California, 30 miles from their home and 144, 8 miles from Yellowstone where he ran away. The owners say that the male cat had lost almost three kilograms and roughly 40 percent of his body weight after his long walk. “I really think he made that trip mostly on his own. His paws were really worn out and he had very low protein levels due to inadequate nutrition. So, he was not taken care of,” says Susanne Anguiano. Hoping for information from the public Rayne Beau was found by a woman in Northern California in early August, who managed to capture him and turn him in to the organization. Otherwise, it is still unclear how he managed to make the long way to California. The owners therefore hope that the public can help fill in the gaps from his two-month excursion. For any adventures in the future, Rayne Beau has now been equipped with a GPS tracker.