The fake canvassers of the Restos du Cœur, a discreet practice that can easily be fooled

The fake canvassers of the Restos du Coeur a discreet

When the Restos du Cœur, currently in great financial difficulty, call for donations, crooks regularly take advantage of the situation to take advantage of the generosity of the French. The association has already warned against this scam.

The Restos du Cœur issued a cry of distress to warn of the situation. A deficit of 35 million euros jeopardizes the continuation of their missions of assistance to people in need or in difficulty. The call was heard by important portfolios: that of the State which announced to release 15 million euros, that of the president of LVMH Bernard Arnault or those of the Blues of the French football team. But donations also come, and most often, from the French.

If the Restos du Cœur volunteers rely on the generosity of individuals, they also warn them against scams that divert donations. A scam is regularly set up, during isolated initiatives, during the major campaigns of the association. Individuals of all ages display the Restos du Cœur logo and solicit individuals at home by going door-to-door or in the city center by calling on passers-by.

The volunteers and presidents of the local branches of the association report these fraudulent actions as soon as possible. In August 2022, it was in Haute-Loire that teenagers extracted donations by posing as members of the association. Marc Lavergne, president of the local associative branch, then reminded Zoom from here that “members of Restaurants du Cœur do not take any steps at home” during collections. In February of the same year, schoolchildren had developed the same door-to-door system in a town in the Landes.

A complaint filed by the Restos du Coeur

This Restos de Cœur scam was also reported by the association in March 2021 when a group of well-organized fake volunteers raged in the Loiret department, near Orléans and the surrounding area. Individuals introduced themselves as members of the association and solicited donations from residents after knocking on their door. Sophie Spilliaert, administrator at the Restos du Cœur and president of the departmental branch at the time, warned the inhabitants of West France : “We must not be misled, even if these people show up with a badge, anyone can make a badge by printing our logo found on the Internet. ” While the association had denounced a scam and filed a complaint . Precedents had been spotted in the region in 2016, but the phenomenon has been raging for a long time and in several departments, one of the oldest cases dates back to 2002 in Essonne. Alas, the scam resurfaces regularly, locally, almost everywhere in France, as the process to deceive gullible people is simple to set up.

The appeal for donations issued by the association for its survival at the start of the 2023 school year could be the focus of new scams. The previous warnings are still valid, because the collection methods for Restos du Cœur have not changed and are never organized at home. To make a financial donation, the association makes an appointment on its website.
