The extremely poor conclusion to a popular Marvel trilogy from which Ryan Reynolds only recovered 12 years later

The extremely poor conclusion to a popular Marvel trilogy from

Today, Ryan Reynolds is the god of superhero movies. Ten years ago he was the whipping boy of the genre and its fans. He was involved in three of the most disliked superhero films of the last two decades: Blade Trinity, X-Men: Origins Wolverine and Green Lantern. Blade: Trinity from 2004 is on TV on Monday.

The plot of Blade 3 and Ryan Reynolds role

A group of vampires armed to the teeth search for the hidden grave of the original vampire Drake, better known as Dracula Dominic Purcell). This is said to transform his offspring into Daywalkers. Blade (Wesley Snipes) and the underground organization Nightstalker want to prevent that. In addition to Abigail (Jessica Biel), the Nightstalker group also includes the daredevil Hanibal King played by Ryan Reynolds.

Blade Trinity is one of the most disliked Marvel films

The Blade line has had a good run. The strong debut was followed by a solid sequel in the form of Blade 2. Then Ryan Reynolds joined the franchise and everything fell apart. Is it him? Does Ryan Reynolds make superhero movies worse?

The Rotten Tomatoes ratings for the three Blade films:

The rating at Moviepilot reflects this tendency, although it is not quite as extreme.

Ryan Reynolds has overcome his superhero trauma

Deadpool was released 12 years after Blade 3 – a huge commercial success for 20th Century Fox. At the same time, the film meant the Ryan Reynolds’ rehabilitation as a superhero actor. The Canadian had a great influence on his heart role and consciously incorporated his comic book experience into its design. Deadpool is the reason why hardly anyone thinks of Blade 3 when talking about a Marvel movie starring Ryan Reynolds.

When is Blade 3 on TV?

Wire 1 shows Blade 3 on Monday at 11:40 p.m. The repeat follows at 3.55 a.m. in the night. Unfortunately, the Blade trilogy is not currently available on any major streaming service. If you want to watch the films, you have to rent them at an additional cost.

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