The expert warned: This sudden symptom can directly cause death!

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Cardiology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Mesut Aydın said that arrhythmia can occur in all age groups. Stating that most of these are harmless, Dr. Aydin, arrhythmia; He stated that it may occur in the form of palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, as well as fainting, and sometimes, very rarely, it may even cause the person’s direct death.

Dr. stated that it is very important to diagnose arrhythmia early, determine the diagnosis, and then provide treatment specific to the arrhythmia. Aydın said, “Rhythm disorders usually start suddenly, continue for a certain period of time, and end suddenly. Sometimes, intervention does not correct the arrhythmia. “What is important in arrhythmia is the intensity of the patient’s symptoms during the arrhythmia and the type of arrhythmia,” he said.

Emphasizing that early diagnosis is very important in arrhythmia, Dr. Aydin said:

“A person with palpitations should apply to the cardiology department of hospitals. The necessary diagnosis needs to be determined by taking an ECG and sometimes using 24-hour devices. Despite all this, the arrhythmia of people with palpitations may sometimes not be detected with a 24-hour ECG. This can be diagnosed with EPS, which we call rhythm angiography, and can also be treated at the same time. Most arrhythmia can be corrected with medication. Most of the palpitations can be treated with ablation therapy, which we also call burning therapy.”

“When there is an arrhythmia at a young age, it is treated by implanting a pacemaker.”

Dr. noted that when patients have arrhythmias, especially at older ages and sometimes at younger ages, they are treated by implanting a pacemaker. Aydın said, “The important reason for implanting a pacemaker is that the arrhythmia can be treated by giving a shock in case of arrhythmia that causes sudden death. Some arrhythmias do not occur in the form of a flutter, but in the form of a drop in the pulse. In this rhythm disorder, the person usually faints. In such cases, it is necessary to install a heart rate increasing battery. “The pacemaker should be checked routinely once a month or every three months,” he said. (UAV)
