The meeting entitled Current Overview and Approach in Pelvic Base Diseases was held in the Conference Hall of Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital with more than 100 participants. Professor of the Department of General Surgery. Dr. In the sessions chaired by Ediz Altınlı, Prof.Dr. Dr. Prof. Dr. Erhun Eyüboğlu, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. Dr. Ümit Dinçer and Assoc. Dr. Ersan Eroğlu also made a speech and transferred his information. In addition, in the seminar, specialist physicians in the branch of different hospitals, as well as physicians French Center Hospitalier de Bagnols Sur Ceze of Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist – Pelvik Base Trainer Dr. N’Dongo Abdallahi gave information about current approaches and pre -diagnosis measurement in pelvic base diseases.
Altınlı: It occurs frequently in women who gave birth in Anatolia
Stating that pelvic floor diseases are very common in Turkey, Prof.Dr. Dr. Ediz Altınlı, big ablution and urinary incontinence, gas holding symptoms such as frequent symptoms, he said. In the disease, the age range has changed depending on factors such as birth and weight. Dr. Golden continued his words as follows:
“Toilet problems emerge more often in women who have given birth in Anatolia, especially in Anatolia. It is usually seen slightly more over the middle and over 50 years. Urine and big ablution abduction, constipationInability to do large ablution is in the field of pelvic base diseases. Treatment should be carried out with multidisciplinary approaches. Rehabilitation therapy is started in the problems related to the breech or product system, ie those who miss urine or large ablution, and vice versa for difficulty in making their large toilet and large toilet. The size and treatment of the disease are determined by an application called anal manometer before rehabilitation. The patient is controlled by a machine that measures the pressure of the muscles in the toilet, the volume of the region, the volume, sensitivity, reflexes of the region. At this point, general surgery may initiate the surgical process if the patient permits the condition. However, if there has been surgery from the pelvic region before, if there are ongoing operations or the age, if the general condition is not appropriate, it is necessary to refer to pelvic floor rehabilitation at this point. This will provide significant benefit to the patient. Measures should be taken to prevent the formation of pelvic base diseases. For example, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible, such as urine, gas and major ablution abduction while doing birth control more seriously, laughing, or larger while symptoms emerge. Because we usually consider delayed cases and it is more difficult to repair broken jugs. Therefore, better results will occur if patients have pre -acting and apply to the physician. ”
Eyüboğlu: Most of the society does not express his illness because he is ashamed
Today, especially in big cities and stressful environments of people living in the toilet habits of the Department of General Surgery that expresses the change. Dr. Erhun Eyüboğlu, pelvic base diseases are a group of illnesses that require complicated and multidisciplinary work. Referring to the more comfortable defecation called Alaturka. Dr. Eyüboğlu completed his speech as follows:
”In the sit -up method, it is also relieved to create an amplifier step under the feet. Water consumption, consumption of fibrous foods appear as a treatment method in constipation and such problems. This works with a digestive system and coordination. When disorders occur, the stool may remain in the intestine for a long time and may cause patients problems. In patients, problems such as the need to toilet continuously, inability to defeat comfortably, to stay in the toilet for a long time may arise. Although it is not much talked about in society and ashamed of such issues, it is actually a problem that affects a large part of both women and men. After diagnosis with different examination methods, the patient is decided to be directed to a surgical procedure or to the pelvic floor rehabilitation department. ”
Dinçer: The purpose of rehabilitation is to operate the muscles harmonically
Providing information about Pelvic Base Rehabilitation, Professor of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. Dr. Ümit Dinçer said, “Urine leakage, gas leakage, urine leakage in children, constipation, anal or pelvic region pain, organ sagging patients in pre -surgery periods, sexual dysfunction causing vaginismus or dysparoni problems in adults with pelvic base rehabilitation to pelvic base rehabilitation in adults Treatment can be applied. Problems such as urinary incontinence and constipation may sometimes need surgical interventions, but sometimes there is no need. Strengthening of the pelvic base, strengthening of the muscles of abdominal muscles, diaphragm, waist and abdominal wall muscles and their harmonic operation, teaching the desired muscle can be performed without surgical treatment of urinary incontinence or constipation. In very advanced cases or in cases that will be more beneficial than surgery, a treatment method can be developed in such a way that the rehabilitation process after the system is corrected by the operation. ”
Source: DHA