The expert: That is why Iran may have chosen to operate in Sweden

Israel’s intelligence service Mossad claims that the Swedish criminal networks Rumba and Foxtrot and their respective leaders are collaborating with Iran.

Säpo confirmed later on Thursday at a press conference that there are connections between Iran and Swedish criminal networks without specifying people or individual networks.

Swedish criminal gangs work for Iran

  • Iran hits back at Sweden: “False claims”

  • The Iranian regime uses gang criminals – we know this

  • – We see connections between individuals in the criminal networks and individuals who can be connected to the Iranian security services, said Daniel Stenling, head of counterintelligence at Säpo.

    Some caution regarding the data

    Jörgen Holmlund, teacher of intelligence analysis at the Norwegian Defense Academy, says that he is surprised that the information came to light because intelligence services are usually cautious about releasing information.

    – One must be careful in the assessment of Mossad versus Iran in relation to why the information is coming out and why it is coming now. But I still think the information is truthful, he says.

    Rouzbeh Parsi, program director at the Foreign Policy Institute, is on the same line regarding the Mossad.

    – Israel and Iran are in conflict with each other so it is not a neutral observer.

    – But that does not necessarily mean that this is not true. And there are some signs that Iran has done similar things before in other countries where they did not have their own assets.

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    Rouzbeh Parsi, program director at the Institute for Foreign Policy. Photo: SVT

    There may be unknown cases

    Rouzbeh Parsi also says that there may also be events that do not become known to the public – because they are not detected or because the security services do not tell about them.

    – We essentially get to know what is leaked or what is revealed because an operation has usually failed, alternatively succeeded at some point and thus someone has been killed or a building damaged.
