The expert: Swedish media report differently on the election

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The new report “The election movement in the media – the struggle for the agenda” shows that Swedish media have begun to profile themselves in the issues they report on. The channel you choose affects your image of the election movement The agenda changed in the media from the late 70s. It was in the 80’s last time we had the edge. Then they talked about the environment, nuclear power pensions the most. Then it became more of a smorgasbord with many questions. But since the last decade, it has become a podium again where they have focused on reporting on crime and punishment, migration, care and partly school. What we see now is that different media focus on reporting on different issues, even though these are the top issues we are talking about, but how they prioritize these looks different. The channel you choose affects your image of the election movement, says Bengt Johansson, professor and researcher at the University of Gothenburg. See the full feature in the player above
