The expert after Åkesson’s speech: Unfortunate for the NATO process

SD party leader Jimmie Åkesson wants to stop new mosques in Sweden and demolish others where “conspiracies are spreading”.
The news has spread in several Turkish media, in the middle of the sensitive Swedish NATO process.
– Extremely unfortunate, says Turkey expert Michael Sahlin.

After Koran burnings and disinformation campaigns, which give an image of Sweden as an anti-Muslim country, an approval of the Swedish NATO application is already unpopular in Turkey.

The latest announcement was that the Turkish Foreign Affairs Committee is postponing the decision on Sweden’s application, unclear why. It lowers all hopes of getting the issue settled by the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting next week.

“Extremely” by Åkesson

In a situation where the Swedish NATO application stands and weighs on the edge, Jimmie Åkesson’s mosque statement is another burden and a heavy one, according to Michael Sahlin, Turkey expert and former ambassador.

– In this environment, it is extremely unfortunate that a party leader for one of Sweden’s major parties is talking about demolishing mosques. It comes as another negative thing in a sensitive situation, he says and continues:

– Then Turkey knows that SD has said problematic things in the past. But to talk about demolishing mosques that is extreme.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) quickly came out and distanced himself from Åkesson’s statement. “In Sweden, we do not demolish places of worship,” he wrote to TT.

– That Kristersson went out and distanced himself was a necessary minimum. It goes without saying that he has to do it, even if it becomes difficult for the government and the cooperation with SD. But it is not certain that it will help – the damage has already been done, says Sahlin.

“Chicken Race”

The Swedish NATO application stands and stomps. At the same time, it is unclear where the issue, which is so sensitive to Turkey, is actually stuck. Sahlin likens the situation to a “chicken race” where the question is who blinks first.

– Is it in Sweden, in the American Congress or the Turkish Parliament? Then the Gaza crisis has been added in the fall and (Turkish President) Erdogan has said things that are not appreciated in the United States, says Sahlin.

– It is a totally unclear and very sensitive situation right now with the risk that it may take a long time, but with the possibility that something will suddenly happen.

Apart from Turkey, Hungary has not yet ratified Sweden’s NATO application.
