The expert advises – you should have this at home if there is a power cut

During Friday, the author and crisis expert visited Niklas Kämpargård TV4 News morning to talk about crisis preparedness, a topic that has become highly topical after the corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

In addition to talking about crisis preparedness in general, Niklas Kämpargård also talks about how you should act during a power outage and what you should have at home.


The first thing you should ensure if there is a power cut is some kind of light source, especially if it happens during one of the darker months of the year or during the night.

– It will be pitch black. In addition, you may not have a mobile phone with coverage that would be knocked out, says Niklas Kämpargård.


Make sure you have a portable radio at home so you can easily listen to the VMAs (Important Announcements to the Public).

Keep the freezer closed

Try not to open the freezer unnecessarily. The food can last for several days in the freezer without going bad, especially if it is well filled. However, it goes bad faster and the temperature in the freezer rises, if you open and close it often.

Read more: They are prioritized if Sweden’s electricity grid is knocked out – forced to ration
