the expectation of results worries economic circles

the expectation of results worries economic circles

In Kenya, the counting process has continued since the August 9 poll. The Electoral Commission has until next Tuesday, August 16, to announce the final result. Kenyans are eagerly awaiting the name of their next president.

With our special correspondent in Kisumu, Albane Thirouard

The process is long. Its agents must check the physical protocols of each polling station and compare them with those sent electronically. As of 8 p.m. local time, Saturday, August 13, they had checked only 90 out of 292 constituencies, causing anxiety among Kenyans who are anxiously awaiting the results of the presidential election.

Read also : the lowest turnout since 2002 for the elections in Kenya

HAS Kisumu, a town in western Kenya, this tension is palpable. This stronghold of candidate Raila Odinga is on hold. Some businesses have still not reopened. The atmosphere is far from the hustle and bustle of voting day in Kisumu. The streets are quiet… too quiet for the hotel sector, which deplores a drop in customers.

Emily Riro owns a restaurant. Its activity depends on the employees of the district but many have not returned to work. ” I’m closing earlier right now and when I walk down the street, I can see that a lot of businesses haven’t reopened. Sales are really lower. Today, for example, I served six customers when usually it’s more like 40 or 50 a day. It just goes to show how bad it is for us “, she worries.

Same story a few streets away in this downtown bar. It is usually full on Saturdays but tonight many seats are empty.

James Oweo does the accounts behind the counter: “ The number of drinks was really very low this week. I think people are anxious about the election. They are afraid of coming and that there will be clashes between supporters of different camps, for example. So they stay at home instead of coming to the bar. »

The bartender does not let himself be discouraged: “ I remain optimistic. From what I see on television, I tell myself that we will soon have the results. I hope everything will go well and that life can go back to normal. »

Read also: Presidential election in Kenya: tension is mounting in the country awaiting the results

The restaurateurs also hope not to see tensions erupt in the city after the announcement of the results.
