The exhibition ” Figuration of the 60s and 70s” is coming to Rome: exploring the artistic vitality of the twentieth century

The exhibition Figuration of the 60s and 70s is

(Finance) – An exhibition on two decades of the twentieth century characterized by great vitality, which aims to intercept the new international interest in painting and sculpture through important artists who marked a moment of intense creative fervor: promoted by the Terzo Pilastro Foundation – Internationalchaired by Professor Alessandra Taccone, and created by Poema SpA in collaboration with Cigno Arte, the exhibition entitled Figuration of the 60s and 70s, hosted in the Museums of San Salvatore in Lauro in Rome from 24 April to 21 July 2024presents a broad survey dedicated to figurative painting and sculpture in Italy between the two most vital artistic decades of the twentieth century.
The exhibition, curated by Lorenzo and Enrico Lombardi, is in fact dedicated to the experiences of figurative painting and sculpture in Italy of the generations active in particular between the Sixties and Seventies, a very complex and differentiated context which today deserves to be explored in depth and, in many cases, rediscovered. In this period, among other things, visual artists they have often operated in close dialogue of poetics and representation with writers and directors such as Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italo Calvino, Alberto Moravia, Giovanni Testori, Luchino Visconti, Vittorio De Sica, Leonardo Sciascia, in a sharing often aimed at narrating new realities of metropolises and society undergoing rapid and, sometimes dramatic, transformation.

The iconic Italian lines they represent, in fact, a mix of experiences often placed in an international context, in which visions and suggestions of various origins have intersected: from Realism of social and political origin to Naturalism, up to Pop Art and Hyperrealism, without forgetting the important influences of metaphysical painting.

The exhibition project is divided into four sections: FIGURE SCULPTUREdedicated to the great tradition of Italian figurative sculpture; POLITICS SOCIETY REALITYwhich illustrates the varied research of the protagonists of those years, between political commitment and contaminations with design and new media; NATURE PAINTINGfocused on the new Naturalism of the 20th century, often also linked to the first, embryonic ecological movements; METAPHYSICIANS AND VISIONARIES, dedicated to artists who, going beyond the contingent elements of sensitive experience, chose to represent the aspects of reality they considered authentic and fundamental, according to the broadest and most universal perspective possible. A catalog published by Il Cigno GG Edizioni is dedicated to the exhibition.
