the executive wants to further amplify the revival of civil nuclear power

the executive wants to further amplify the revival of civil

The French executive is preparing to boost the relaunch of nuclear power in France. In an interview given to the Tribune SundayAgnès Panier-Runacher, the Minister of Energy Transition, assures that France will have to go “ beyond the six new EPR reactors » already announced. It prepares the ground in view of the presentation of the bill on energy sovereignty.

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The French government, which continues to sing the praises of nuclear power and welcomed its mention in the nuclear power agreement COP28, sets a new milestone in the development of this energy in France. Agnès Panier-Runacher explains in the Tribune Sundaythat to reduce the share of fossil fuels from 60% to 40% of the energy mix by 2035, the text plans to initiate (after 2026) “ additional constructions representing 13 gigawatts “. The technologies to achieve this would not be set in stone, she promises, before confirming: thirteen gigawatts, “ this corresponds to the power of eight EPR “.


In any case, the text “ breaks with the previous programming law », which planned to reduce the share of nuclear power in the electric mix. Moreover, Agnès Panier-Runacher does not rule out going beyond fourteen EPR reactors. It is, in his eyes, “ a good topic for discussion with parliamentarians “.

No specific objective for solar and wind power

At the same time, if the minister declares that it is necessary “ consolidate solar and wind power “, according to Tribune Sundaythe text would not set a precise objective on the share of renewables by 2030. Agnès Panier-Runacher is going to the Czech Republic this Monday, January 8 and nuclear power will be on the menu of discussions.

Read alsoElectricity market reform: EU finally reaches agreement
