the exclusion of Éric Ciotti from the presidency of the Les Républicains party invalidated by the courts

the exclusion of Eric Ciotti from the presidency of the

Excluded by a political office of his party after announcing an alliance with the far right, the boss of the Republicans Éric Ciotti had filed a legal appeal, deeming this exclusion illegal. This Friday, justice overturned the exclusion of Mr. Ciotti, according to AFP.

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The Paris judicial court, seized by Eric Ciotti, invalidated his exclusion from the presidency of the Republicans on Friday. The tribunal ” orders the suspension of the effects of the two definitive exclusions pronounced against Eric Ciotti on June 12 and 14 », indicated the court, specifying that this suspension was only worth “ until a final decision on the merits is rendered “.

Justice has spoken, I am president of the Republicans », Reacted Eric Ciotti to AFP. “ For me this decision was legally obvious, what was done was a form of amateurism and an attempt to take power which had no legal basis. », insisted the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes, specifying that he would “ lead this legislative election campaign to ensure the triumph of the alliance of the rights to beat the extreme left which represents a major danger for our country “.

This court decision allows Eric Ciotti to retain the right to use the brands and logos of the right-wing party. This situation will in any case complicate the process of inaugurations of LR candidates in the legislative elections which must be completed before Sunday evening. The right-wing party is therefore approaching these legislative elections in an unprecedented political and legal imbroglio.
