The exciting season of the Men’s Super Pes begins in earnest today – “Historically consistent series” | Sport

The exciting season of the Mens Super Pes begins in

The season of the Men’s Superpesis is expected to be very even. However, the biggest favorites are Sotkamo, Vimpeli and Joensuu.

Although the progress of spring has taken a backseat, the men’s Super Nest season begins in earnest today. One match was already played in Fuengirola, but the domestic games begin with the meeting between Sotkamo and Hamina at the Töölö football stadium.

This season, there is a reform in Superpesis that in the regular season there will be no super innings at all, but if necessary, a solution will be sought directly in the home run competition. In the playoffs, the super shift is in use.


Sports expert Sami-Petteri Kivimäki according to the season is expected to be very flat.

– According to preliminary plans, it will be a historically even series. It’s not easy to name the top 3 teams, but I guess in principle Sotkamo, Vimpeli and Joensuu will start as the three early favourites. Kouvola, Manse, Kempele and, as a dark horse, Hyvinkää are challenging, Kivimäki stated.

Kivimäki analyzes the three biggest favorites in more detail. Sotkamo is the defending champion.

– For Sotkamo, a lot is decided by how they make their inner game work. Playing outside and the culture of winning does go a long way, but the indoor game and above all returning home is a big theme.

The pennant was silver last year, champion the next year and medals almost every year in the last 15 years.

– In practice, there have been no changes of any kind in the team other than the management of the game. Is there enough hunger to succeed and win, is a big question and shows a lot of direction for their season, Kivimäki said.

The third favorite is Joensuu Maila.

– In principle, all the pieces are together. Joensuu can go to the finals and play for the championship, but perhaps they have the least room for injury among the top teams. The staff is small and certain players need to stay healthy and play a peak season.

Follow these players

Kivimäki highlights a few interesting players who are worth following during the season.

Juuso Lattu

“The acquisition of Sotkamo’s Jymy, originally a replacement joker, but will be a crucial piece in terms of their most central theme, i.e. a successful inner game. His success and step into the role of a top switch shows a lot about how Sotkamo will move forward in the indoor game”

Joosua Rättö

“Joensuun Maila’s home run joker, a young colt who hit very well in the winter super nest. All the signs point to a tough summer and Joensuu will need his power”

Petteri Alanen

“Very good Tahko locker, at best the best in the series already. If you think that Tahko is the dark horse, then I believe that if Alanen plays in the upper register, then Tahko has a chance to even be among the top four.”

Elmeri Anttila

“Vimpelin Vedosta, has been the best in the series for years, especially in the indoor game, but I would approach from the angle of whether there is an inner leader in Elmer who can lead Vimpelin towards the Finnish championship”

Topics of conversation

An even series

“An even series is a cliché, but now the signs of progress suggest that the series will be record-breaking for the top and it is practically impossible to predict who will play there in the final match and who will celebrate the Finnish championship.”

Locker game

“In previous years, there was still a bit of a situation where a few lockers dominated the locker market. Now the young generation has turned out a lot of promising closers and above all they play modern pitchers at the plate. They are very tactical and cool-headed guys who want to win.”

Entertainment value

“If you think about last summer, the number of viewers increased and the general interest grew quite a lot. Pesis is in a good mood, so I believe that the series will certainly be the best in terms of entertainment value that it has been in many years.”

‘s first TV match will be on Friday, May 10 on TV2 at 6 p.m., when KPL hosts JoMa in the men’s Super Pes.
