The European Union wants to control the production of artificial intelligence

The European Union wants to control the production of artificial

The European Union wants to oversee artificial intelligence-based image/photo production. One step in this regard in 2023 to be discarded.

DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and midjourney Artificial intelligence-based systems, which have become very popular, such as these, made a lot of noise in 2022. These systems, which take photos on the internet and analyze them and visualize what people write, are generally appreciated, but they also have reactions. For example, these systems copy the styles of designers and photographers without permission, but also these systems have some drawbacks in creating inappropriate content. Here’s to take a step European Union, to control and use systems wants to set some long-term rules.

While it is thought that those who break the rules that are not yet fully clear will be punished, those who produce these systems are asked to take on a more transparent structure. European Union At the same time, he believes that the artificial intelligence models fed with millions of photographs for visual production should be limited to what can be produced and the outputs should be examined in detail in order not to abuse the technology. These technologies do not seem to be very easy to manage, but Some serious legal steps are definitely planned for 2023.


Within the scope of artificial intelligence production content, at the end of 2022, there will be a lensa based “Avatar” system exploded and this system was last came to the fore with a negative impact. People who like their avatar produced on the basis of artificial intelligence (especially women), started flocking to plastic surgeons to look like this. As far as it has been reported, there has been a huge demand in this regard, especially in the USA recently. exists.

Some famous plastic surgeons say that people have prepared the application for themselves. He says he requested surgeries, citing his avatars as an example. Stating that these practices create a great surreal expectation, doctors state that this is very dangerous.
