The European Union is threatening to run out of money – the Commission is asking member countries for tens of billions to cover new needs

The European Union is threatening to run out of money

Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the corona crisis have burdened the EU’s economy. Opening the Union’s budget requires the unanimous approval of the member states.

BRUSSELS The European Commission is hoping for more funds from the member states as part of the mid-term review of the Union’s multi-year budget.

Chairman Ursula von der Leyen According to

– The world has changed dramatically. In three years, we have gone from one crisis to another. This culminated in Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, von der Leyen said at a press conference in Brussels.

Ukraine is at the center of the new measures proposed by the Commission. EUR 50 billion more money is hoped for to support Ukraine. According to Von der Leyen, it is important to consider the investments already made for Ukraine.

– So far, we have allocated 30 billion euros to Ukraine, and naturally we could not foresee this in the budget framework.

In addition, the Commission wants 15 billion euros from the member states to manage migration and help refugees in the EU and third countries.

– We propose financial support for member states to strengthen the control of external borders. We need to work more intensively with neighboring countries to promote economic development to stabilize these countries, von der Leyen said.

The Commission also hopes for more resources for new technologies such as green technology and biotechnology.

According to von der Leyen, the EU should allocate funds from existing funds to support these technologies.

However, the idea of ​​a separate sovereignty fund has not been buried, von der Leyen states.

– This is a precursor to a full-fledged independence fund that will be established in the future, says von der Leyen.

European Union budget

  • The European Union’s budget for the years 2021–2027 is a total of 1074.3 billion euros in 2018 prices.
  • In addition, the EU decided on the establishment of a 750 billion euro recovery tool as a result of the corona crisis.
  • Decisions related to the budget require the unanimous approval of the member countries.
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