The European Union has made a slight adjustment to Chinese taxes

The European Union has made a slight adjustment to Chinese

As it turned out today, the European Union has made a small adjustment to the Chinese tax that will come into effect as of July 4. made.

Electric vehicles brought to Europe from China, will face an additional customs duty of up to 37.6 percent instead of 38.1 percent, in addition to the current 10 percent customs dutyThe European Union took a surprising step todaymade a small drop in the ceiling. The adjustment is small but represents a concession to Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers who have been lobbying against the process, sources said. In the process, taxation that varies from brand to brand will be applied. owner of MG SAICwhich is the new highest rate 37.6 percent will be taxed on. Geely additional 20 percent for vehicles, BYD An additional tariff of 17.4 will be applied to vehicles. The European Union took this decision, stating that Chinese manufacturers were distorting competition with state support. The Chinese administration and Chinese manufacturers reacted seriously to this situation, which is not surprising.. At the same time, Germany also does not find the step taken right and wants to remove the extra customs duty or soften the conditions. Germany, which is the largest car manufacturer in Europe, states that the customs duties applied could harm the success of German car manufacturers selling vehicles in China. It was recently announced that Chinese and European Union officials will meet to discuss the extra electric vehicle tax. According to the news on CNBC According to Chinese Trade Minister Wang Wentao and European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis, they have agreed to start consultations on the issue. During these talks, China will seek the cancellation of new tariffs that will come into effect on July 4.

