The European elections seen from Berlin, Athens and Moscow

The European elections seen from Berlin Athens and Moscow

Just one week before the European elections, the continuation of our series devoted to the vote, with two stops in a European capital, Berlin and Athens, to understand what are the themes that are essential in the different member countries. And a third outside the Union, to see how this campaign is observed, followed or not, Moscow.

– In Germanythe war in Ukraine worries voters a lot. As for the political class, the ruling parties are concerned about their score.

– In Greece, the conservative party in power, is well ahead in voting intentions. Polls predict a score above the 30% mark. In a country that has experienced a decade of financial crisis, it is still economic and domestic questions that are essential.

– While the conflict between Ukraine and the Russia is at the heart of the campaign in many countries, how are the European elections perceived in Russia? Moscow is accused of interfering in the European elections; searches took place a few days ago in Brussels and Strasbourg as part of an investigation.

Also listenThe European elections seen from Brazil, Finland and Belgium
