The European Commission is proposing to limit the heating of public buildings to 19 degrees

The European Commission is proposing to limit the heating of

The Commission intends to announce that winter gas shortages must be prepared as early as possible.

Leonard Wilhelmus,

Sea of ​​Remes

Due to the gas shortage threatening Europe, the European Commission is preparing new guidelines for member countries to avoid an energy crisis. According to information from Der Spiegel magazine by (you switch to another service) the commission would propose, among other things, limiting the heating of public buildings to 19 degrees from autumn.

The Commission intends to announce that winter gas shortages must be prepared as early as possible.

– Starting actions now can reduce the risks due to energy supply difficulties by a third, states the Commission’s draft seen by Reuters.

The Commission also intends to propose the governments of the member countries to create incentives for the industry to reduce gas consumption and to start extensive public education campaigns. The draft text emphasizes that gas supplies to households are a priority if gas reserves are at risk of running out.

The proposal was published next week

The commission is scheduled to publish its proposal on Wednesday next week. The energy ministers of the EU countries will meet to discuss the Commission’s proposals in an extraordinary emergency meeting on July 27.

After Russia temporarily cut off the gas supplies running along the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, the concern about running out of gas resources has grown in Europe. According to the Financial Times, until this year, Russia supplied around 40 percent of the EU’s gas.

You can discuss the topic until Friday 15.7. until 11 p.m.
