The EU plans to set a price cap for electricity produced other than natural gas – watch at 13:30 when the President of the Commission talks about energy

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The Commission has prepared ways for the EU to respond to the energy crisis caused by Russia.

13:23•Updated 13:27

According to the newspaper, the price ceiling applies to electricity that has been produced with something other than natural gas. The purpose is to prevent the price of electricity produced without gas from rising above 200 euros per megawatt hour.

The limit of 200 euros is defined in the EU Commission’s draft proposal. In Germany, for example, electricity has cost more than twice as much.

The price ceiling would apply, for example, to energy companies that produce electricity with the help of wind, coal and nuclear power.

In recent days, there has been a lot of discussion in the EU about whether the price of natural gas and electricity should be separated, so that Europeans’ electricity bills do not become unbearably high in the coming winter.

Chairman of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen speaks about the energy crisis at a news conference on Wednesday. The event is scheduled to start at 1:30 PM Finnish time.

The EU Commission has prepared ways to ensure that there is enough energy for the coming winter and that its price increase can be brought under control. EU energy ministers will meet on Friday for an emergency meeting in Brussels.

The reason for the energy crisis is Russia’s attack on Ukraine. During the war, Russia has reduced natural gas supplies to the West. Several European countries have been dependent on Russian pipeline gas.
