The EU foreign ministers are meeting today in Luxembourg – on the agenda is the handling of the sanctions package against Russia | News in brief

The EU foreign ministers are meeting today in

Finland will be represented at the meeting by Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen (coordinator).

The foreign ministers of the EU countries will meet on Monday in Luxembourg. The meeting is organized in a situation where Hungary is taking over the rotating presidency of the Council of the Union’s member states from the beginning of July.

Hungary has become known for the fact that the country has repeatedly blocked aid decisions for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia.

However, the foreign ministers are still expected to politically approve on Monday, among other things, the new sanctions package against Russia, on which the ambassadors reached a common vision last week.

Among other things, the sanctions package is intended to deal with the evasion of previous sanctions, where Russia has proven to be adept. According to diplomatic sources, this time the final lock for a political agreement was Germany, where the package is expected to curb the embargo circulation of manufactured products.

In addition to the support for Ukraine and the Russian attack, the foreign ministers are also expected to discuss the Middle East, the Western Balkans, Georgia and the African Great Lakes region at the meeting.

Finland is represented at the meeting by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen (collect.).
