The EU court imposed million fines on Hungary | News in brief

The fines were imposed because Hungary has not changed its immigration laws that violate EU law.

10:51•Updated 11:14

Hungary must pay a fine of 200 million because the country has not changed its immigration laws that violate EU legislation, the EU court ruled today, Thursday.

In addition, Hungary must pay a fine of one million euros every day until the country has made the changes to its immigration policy required by the court.

The fines were imposed now because Hungary still hasn’t changed its asylum policy, even though the EU court ruled it to be against EU law already in 2020.

Most recently, last year, the EU court ruled that Hungary’s asylum measures were illegal. At that time, it was about the asylum law enacted by Hungary in 2020, which forces asylum seekers to apply for asylum at embassies in Serbia or Ukraine.


Updated at 11:14 a.m. that the judgment was given because Hungary has not changed its immigration laws in accordance with the orders issued by the EU Court in 2020.
