The EU and Germany reached an agreement on banning gasoline cars

The EU and Germany reached an agreement on banning gasoline

Germany has questioned the EU’s proposal to ban combustion engine cars in order to achieve climate goals.

13:31•Updated 14:01

The European Union is reached an agreement (you switch to another service) With Germany on the ban on combustion engine cars.

The vice president of the European Commission tells about it Frans Timmermans on his Twitter.

Germany has questioned the EU’s proposal to ban combustion engine cars in order to achieve climate goals. Poland, Italy and Bulgaria have also criticized the EU’s proposal.

Germany’s liberal democratic governing party FDP has proposed that combustion engine cars could also be used after 2035.

In practice, the agreement between Germany and the EU means that the EU can now promote its car fleet electrification project.

The EU envisions that new cars sold after 2035 will run on electricity or hydrogen. Synthetic fuel is produced industrially.

The electrification of vehicles is part of the EU’s ambitious climate goal.

Source: AFP

25.3. at 14:00 Fixed. Ingress had previously erroneously mentioned that Germany had changed its position. In reality, the EU bent to Germany’s position.
