With its billions of users, WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging in the world. However, everyone makes this error by listening to the audio messages delivered on the platform.
WhatsApp is undoubtedly one of the most widespread applications in the world. With its 2 billion active users each month, it allows you to send nearly 100 billion messages every day. Storage figures that reflect its phenomenal success on a planetary scale.
Among the countless WhatsApp users, most are not aware of this error that they run too often on the platform. An error at first glance insignificant, but which turns into a real burden, since it causes the brutal stop of listening to vocal messages received on the application.
Have you ever received a vocal message from a friend, to listen to him carefully, then suddenly not to perceive any sound, WhatsApp having mysteriously decided to cut the sentence of Your interlocutor? This is a problem that could not be more recurrent in mail users, which can be adjusted very quickly. A very simple habit is enough to make this “bug” oh so embarrassing disappear.
If WhatsApp interrupts voice messages without warning, it is because of a failure of your mobile phone, more particularly one of its components: the local sensor. Present in most smartphones, it makes it possible to detect the distance between a device and its user. Depending on the proximity between the two, the sound is not expressed in the same place, which means that WhatsApp sometimes seems to interrupt its audios.
So, if you sometimes bring your ear closer to your phone to better hear a WhatsApp voice message, the local sensor will assume that you are on call and cut the sound of your audio. A misinterpretation which leads to this “bug”, far too often encountered by users of the messaging. You will also notice that once too close to your screen, it is putting itself in standby, as is the case for any phone call.
Because it is an internal dysfunction of your phone, WhatsApp cannot pay by itself the defect which impacts its application. If this problem bothers you at the highest point, the simplest solution is to put your phone on standby just after launching a vocal. The sound will not be cut.
Nothing prevents you from deactivating the proximity sensor in the settings of your device. Handling is impossible for iPhone, but on the majority of Android phones on the other hand, simply go to settings ► Applications ► System application settings ►Parameters of calls ► incoming call settings ► Proximity sensor. It is now up to you to deactivate the latter.