the episcopal conference is concerned about irregularities in a report

the episcopal conference is concerned about irregularities in a report

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Independent National Electoral Commission (Céni) continues to publish the results of the general elections held last week. Among the many electoral observation missions deployed for this process, one of the most important is that of the grouping of Catholic and Protestant Churches, called the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (Cenco ECC). It released its first conclusions on Thursday, December 28 in a preliminary report.

2 mins

With our special correspondents in Kinshasa, Paulina Zidi and Boris Vicith

The Congolese people have once again been present in their history »: with these solemn words, Father Donatien Nshole of the Cenco began the conclusions of this preliminary report. He notes the enthusiasm of voters despite the incidents and the vote which took place over several days: the mission questions in particular the legality of this delay.

She also mentions irregularities likely to affect the integrity of the results. Cenco asks Céni to clarify whether they are capable of compromising the process. According to Donatien Nshole, the secretary general of Cenco, many points still raise questions.

At the Céni, we ask that we draw the consequences with full responsibility from everything that we have noted in this report, and in particular, we ask, to reassure stakeholders, to specify the number of polling stations which opened on 20 December, and that of the offices which opened after, and how many voting machines and ballot papers were used regularly. I believe that with these elements of response, we can be more reassured », Says the head of Cenco.

Same trend between the figures compiled by the Céni and the Cenco ECC

Donatien Shole insists: this report is only preliminary and it was still a little early to draw all the conclusions from this process. The organization argues, however, that it wants to ask the CENI to take its responsibilities before declaring overall results, so that they are accepted by all: “ An electoral process must be consensual, adds Eric Nsenga, spokesperson for the ECC, he must not burn the country. »

The Cenco ECC mission has also moved forward with its own parallel compilation of results and does not give any figures in accordance with the electoral law, but it notes that these trends are the same as those of the Electoral Commission: it states “ that a candidate stands out greatly from the others “.

Read alsoElections in the DRC: the Minister of Communication calls for appeasement
