The epidemic surrounded all of Turkey: Experts warn ‘Pik’ has done! “It is spreading from schools”

The epidemic surrounded all of Turkey Experts warn Pik has

Flu cases in Turkey are increasing rapidly. Especially children, the elderly and those with chronic discomfort are at risk. Experts emphasize that hygiene rules should be paid attention, the use of masks and that sick individuals should not interfere with society. It is of great importance to comply with the measures to reduce the effect of the outbreak.

“We are currently living peaks”

Increased flu cases throughout Europe have alarmed countries. Seasonally in Turkey, the increasing flu cases evaluating the chest diseases specialist. Dr. Tevfik Özlü stated that they had experienced the time of the disease and said, “Viral infections that are transmitted through respiration are usually starting to rise as of October. He plays a peak like December and January. Then slowly decreases and disappears like April, May. We are currently experiencing that pit. There are many cases in Turkey. There are also increases in the number of cases in Europe and America. This is not a surprising event that we are not used to. In general, we can see that many viruses make the same mirror epidemics. ”

Flu 3

“Not a surprising process”

Sometimes patients mixed the cases Özlü, “This is not a surprising event that we are not used to. In general, many viruses can see the same mirror epidemics. We see the most influenza a. But other than that, Parainfluenza, Norovirus, RSV, Korona, Covid-19 There are viruses such as SARS-COV. We can see such tables. “

“There is an increase in Zattüre”

“But worse than these pneumonia. Recently, we have had a lot of cases of pneumonia. In this sense, there are patients we have hospitalized. Especially in infants, 65 -year -olds and chronic illnesses in those who have been suppressed in the immune system. There is a concentration every year we need to be careful.


“We are currently following the infection that spreads from schools to society”

Underlining that patients should come out by wearing a mask to the society, Özlü said, “The most important thing to cut the speed of these outbreaks, slow down and reduce the cost of the society because such outbreaks are contaminated from the sick person to a solid person. We need to keep it at home when the children who go to nursery, kindergarten and primary school get sick, but we can’t always provide it. The spread of these infections to society is from schools to society. This advantage is now because schools are on holiday. After starting in schools before, it is about 15 days to reach adults. We are currently watching the infection spreading from schools to society. I think it will slow down some time for the coming period. “he said.


“Mask needs to be installed”

Emphasizing that the risk group should pay attention to, Özlü said, “If you need to rest at home for a week if possible, if you need to go to the society. It is important that solid people protect the distance, to stay away from crowded and closed areas. El hygiene should be paid attention. Risk groups and sick children for children. Private measures should be taken, especially if the chronic disease, the immune system should be important if your child is sick. Mother, father and society are spreading ”.

