the epidemic also flares up in the National Assembly

While the Omicron variant is causing the Covid-19 epidemic to flare up, deputies began examining the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass this Monday.

The coronavirus epidemic continues its devastation in our country. Santé Publique France has recorded 67,461 new cases in the last 24 hours. There are 19,606 patients currently hospitalized, including 3,600 in intensive care and 272 deaths. This is despite the fact that 51,793,535 people have been vaccinated with a complete vaccination schedule (76.8% of the total population).

A liberticidal text

The deputies began today the examination of the bill “instituting a perennial regime of management of sanitary emergencies” which, in short, aims at giving full powers to the executive to manage the sanitary crisis.
First of all, it will change the health pass into a vaccination pass. In other words, in order to go to restaurants, cinemas, stadiums or sports venues, fairs and exhibitions, or to take the train, even regional transport, it will be compulsory to be vaccinated. Including young people over 12 years old! The negative test will no longer be sufficient. But it will remain mandatory to go to health establishments.
This text, eminently liberticide, is contested by the oppositions in particular on its duration (until the end of July) whereas the presidential election will take place in April. Several deputies, including Emilie Cariou from Meuse, questioned the application of a text by an executive that we do not yet know… Lively exchanges took place this afternoon in the Chamber.

The virus in the ballot box

However, the text, with more than 800 amendments, will be submitted to the senators on Wednesday. It is strongly supported by the presidential majority and should therefore be adopted without difficulties.
In fact, it is a vaccination obligation that does not say its name and whose objective is to exert a terrible pressure on the five to six million French people who are not yet vaccinated.
With less than 100 days to go before the presidential elections, this political sleight of hand will undoubtedly be paid for at the ballot box.

Covid-19: The new strategy of the executive
