The energy researcher: New Swedish nuclear power possible in the early 30s

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– I think we see a greater need in, for example, the steel and battery industry, says Urban Andersson, responsible for nuclear power research at Energiforsk.

– But certainly, in the future, perhaps ten years from now, you can imagine that we will find smaller modular reactors that are super safe that you can have close to buildings. It is entirely possible and conceivable.

Canada will be the first country to build so-called SMRs and there the plan is for them to be in place by 2030. A time horizon that would also be possible in Sweden, Urban Andersson believes.

– We are not that far behind. Both Vattenfall and Fortum have preliminary studies on new nuclear power that include small modular reactors like this, and Vattenfall has had a forecast that it could take seven years to get them in place once the start button is pressed. So sometime in the early 30s is not entirely unreasonable.
